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Saemisch Resigns with an Extra Queen on Move 20. Queen Sacrifice. Alekhine vs Saemisch 1923
OMG! How Did Alexander Alekhine Pull Off THIS Insane Queen Sacrifice?!
The Art of Sacrifice, Calculation and King Hunt. Boleslavsky vs Flohr
Game of the day - Fritz Saemisch vs Alexander Alekhine (1922)
Winning by Violating Chess Principles. Alekhine vs Rubinstein 1912
The Art of Sacrifice in Chess - Punishment for Greediness. Fleissig vs Schlechter. Vienna 1893
Stunning Miniature with Double Rook Sacrifice | Alekhine vs Levenfish | Sankt Petersburg 1912
Queen Sacrifice for just a Pawn. Averbakh vs Kotov, Zurich 1953
The Best Way to Punish a Pawn Grabber. Keres vs Winter 1935
Queen Sacrifice for Enormous Piece Activity. Euwe vs Keres
Wild Energy of 66-Year-Old Korchnoi. Korchnoi vs Svidler
Romantic Chess: Intuitive Queen Sacrifice. Spielmann vs Moeller